Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals

About Buttons
Buttons came to us in 2008–and by “came to us,” we mean that literally. He just wandered down the driveway one day and tried to get into one of the horse pastures, maybe because he thought the brown-and-white horse was his mom. He was only a baby. Since no one came to claim him, or even reported a missing goat, we’re guessing he was dumped. Buttons grew to become the boss of the entire herd. He was a good boss. He didn’t play favorites. He wasn’t cruel for no reason. He got the best pick of every meal or treat, and in return, he kept all the other goats in line… As well as anyone can keep goats in line, anyway. As Buttons got older, he developed some arthritis and other health issues that he tried very hard to hide. We brought him back from the brink of death once when he grew severely anemic with a heavy parasite load he had no reason to have. We kept him on stall rest for several months as we fattened him up. For many months after, he was great. But in late winter 2022/2023, Buttons started going downhill again. His legs would no longer support him. His rumen shut down. It was time to say goodbye. He was fifteen years old, which is above average for a goat–but that’s because few people let goats live out their natural lifespan. Buttons will be missed.
>The most likely wild ancestor to modern goats, the bezoar,
lives in a rocky mountain habitat, which explains why domesticated goats are great climbers and natural browsers, eating plants at shoulder height or above--not grazers who naturally graze grass from the ground, like sheep do!

Buttons with Daisy