Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals
Ohio SPCA Removes 70 Animals From So-called Rescue
August 2016
Due to unsanitary conditions, eighteen dogs were removed from the residence and immediately transported to the Ohio SPCA & Humane Society Adoption Center on Elida Rd. in Lima. On Saturday, the Ohio SPCA Response Team and their three humane officers removed all dogs and cats from the Vance St. facility. “Conditions inside the TLU Rescue facility were beyond horrific,” states Teresa Landon, Ohio SPCA Executive Director. Animals were stacked in metal cages and forced to live in their own waste. The ammonia levels were overpowering especially in the cat room where litter boxes and countertops were filled with urine and feces. According to Landon, many of the animals need medical care for infections and severe dental disease. One dog could not be saved. “He was transported first and immediately euthanized in order to end his suffering,” states Landon.
TLU Rescue, a non-profit organization, solicited donations from the public on the premise that they were saving animals and placing them up for adoption. “Good intentions are never enough when animals end up suffering from neglect,” states Landon. Criminal charges for animal cruelty are expected to be filed as soon as a full veterinarian report is completed.
The Ohio SPCA & Humane Society is in urgent need of monetary and in-kind donations for the care of these animals. Donations are tax-deductible and can be made HERE or mailed to: Ohio SPCA & Humane Society at 3606 Elida Rd. Lima, Ohio 45807.