Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals

HB 552 Banning Gas Chambers
December 2018
ACTION ALERT! HB 552 Banning Gas Chambers - HB 552 is now in the Senate Agriculture Committee. This bill will ban gas chambers in shelters once and for all!
We are asking our Ohio supporters to contact their senators and request that they vote yes on this bill. Please be polite. To locate your senator: http://www.ohiosenate.gov/senators/district-map
As many of you know, the Ohio SPCA has focused on county shelter reform for over 15 years. Through direct intervention, cooperation with county officials, media exposure, public support, and three successful lawsuits the routine use of gunshot, engine exhaust, homemade gas boxes and commercial gas chambers, and any known improper administration of intracardiac injection has ended in over 25 Ohio counties.
Only two gas chambers remain in county shelters. The Ohio SPCA continues to apply pressure to Erie and Knox Counties to destroy their gas chambers. Knox County claims that they are using their chamber for Nuisance wildlife and not companion animals. It makes no difference. People need to learn to co-exist with and exclude wild animals from their homes. Erie County claims to be gassing 8 to 10 aggressive dogs a year in their gas chamber. Eighty-six other Ohio counties are not using gas chambers. These two counties need to join the majority of the state and nation now. The Ohio SPCA No-Gassing Campaign will continue until the last two chambers are gone!
To learn more about the history of the Ohio SPCA's County Pound Reform visit: http://www.ohiospca.org/pound-reform
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