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October 2016

When the Ohio SPCA received the plea for help for a little mini horse in Pike County, Ohio, we also received a picture. We knew immediately that time was running out for this little guy. With his head drooping and his body extremely emaciated, hope was slipping away. Sterling was giving up on life.


Ohio SPCA Response Team members hit the road the following morning in order to rescue Sterling. When our team arrived, he was found tied inside a dog kennel. There was no grass and no evidence of life-sustaining hay or nourishing food. Led by gentle hands, Sterling walked onto the horse trailer and began the journey to his new life. He was immediately transported to an equine hospital for a complete examination and bloodwork. Sterling’s body condition score was a 1 out of 10 which meant his fat and muscle stores had been depleted. He was a walking skeleton in skin. Only time would tell if he would survive and if there was any organ damage from starvation. 


Sterling is passing the danger point and we believe this sweet little horse will make it. We look forward to seeing that little horse attitude and energy return. His head no longer hangs and the spark of life has returned to his eyes. Sterling is receiving the best care possible, but this is only possible through the help we receive through people who support such life-saving efforts. You can be a part of Sterling’s journey as he travels the road to recovery. Please donate and be a part of another happy ending. Every dollar makes a difference.


Check out the Equine Rescue Prgram!

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