Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals
There Are No Words
May 2016

A call was received regarding a cat that had been shot with an arrow. Our humane officer responded immediately. She was able to get a picture of him, but she was not able to catch him. A live trap was set. The next day, our humane officer returned. Unfortunately children had captured the cat and ripped out the arrow that had penetrated his ear and then entered the skin on his back ending at his tail. He was immediately rushed to the emergency veterinarian clinic and was anesthetized so the wounds could be cleaned and treated. We named him Julius and hoped for the best. However, the ordeal and trauma was just too much and Julius did not make it. Anyone who will commit such an act of animal cruelty is capable of inflicting harm to humans as well. We are offering a $500 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the torture of Julius. We want justice for Julius!