Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals

About Dancer
Dancer’s mother, Kimmy, was an owner surrender in 2006, from a foster who was overwhelmed with the goats they currently had and couldn’t care for the then-pregnant Kimmy. Kimmy gave birth in 2007 to Dancer and his twin brother, Prancer. Kimmy passed away from old age, and Prancer passed away many years ago from lymphoma, but Dancer is still holding strong. He’s an old boy with old man teeth, but he loves his grain, hay, grass, and treats, and he’s a very gentle boy. He’s best buds with Henry, who he shares a pen with (so the old men can have as much grain as they want at the end of the day, rather than jostling and shuffling around the younger, stronger goats), and Toto, who’s been glued to Dancer’s side since he arrived at the Farm Sanctuary in 2015.